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Why is Pandoc including Latex function parameters in the text body?

Pandoc is including function parameters in the output.

pdf output:

enter image description here

pandoc output (.docx):

enter image description here

Why is pandoc including the "center=" which is a parameter in the adjustbox function?





Test table:

            Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3 \\
            North & South & West   \\
            12 & 15 & 176  \\



  • Pandoc doesn't know the adjustbox environment, so it reads the everything inside it as contents – even the options.

    Luckily, there is an easy fix: give pandoc a simplified definition of that environment:


    This tells pandoc that the environment takes an argument. Save that snippet to a file, say pandoc-helpers.tex and pass the file as the first input file:

    pandoc --from=latex pandoc-helpers.tex MY-INPUT-FILE.tex …

    With that the center= string will be gone from the output.