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Creating a pdf using Quarto, can't put a line break in a column table

Here is a sample of my code, where I want to break up the column "Sepal.Length" on two lines.

title: "Unbreakable Line"
format: pdf
editor: visual

#| label: load-packages
#| include: false



iris %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  gt() %>% 
      Sepal.Length = md("Sepal<br>Length")

It works fine when I preview the chunk, but when I render, I get this error:

"Warning: HTML tags found, and they will be removed.* Set options(gt.html_tag_check = FALSE) to disable this check."

I've tried taking out the md() and using "\n", but that just gives me a space. Any hints on how to get a line break here?


  • First, as you are rendering to pdf HTML tags will not work and get dropped as the warning is telling you. Instead, you have to use LaTex to add a linebreak, e.g. you can use \\\\. However, this will not work either as under the hood the backslashes get escaped and replaced with \\textbackslash{} in the resulting LaTeX code.

    To prevent the escaping, functions from other packages like knits::kable or gtsummary::as_kable_extra offer an escape= parameter which can be set to FALSE. This is however not the case for gt::as_latex.

    One possible workaround to fix that would be to use a custom knit_print method to overwrite the knit_print method provided by gt. Doing so allows to replace the \\textbackslash{} added by gt::as_latex with the desired \\. Basically the same is done under the hood by e.g. gtsummary::as_kable_extra.

    Note: You have to define or add the custom knit_print method after loading gt, otherwise it gets overridden by the gt default.

    title: "Unbreakable Line"
    format: pdf
    editor: visual
    #| label: load-packages
    #| include: false
    ```{r echo=FALSE}
    knit_print.gt_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
      if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
        res <- gt::as_latex(x)
        res[[1]] <- gsub(
          fixed = TRUE
      "knit_print", "gt_tbl", knit_print.gt_tbl,
      envir = asNamespace("knitr")
    ```{r echo=FALSE}
    iris %>%
      head(10) %>%
      gt() %>%
        Sepal.Length = "Sepal\\\\Length"

    enter image description here