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Split records into txt files having the same number of records

I need your help today! In an Access database, the first column of table XY is to be written to several txt files using VBA code. The txt files should contain at least 500 data records. If there is a remainder, this should be distributed evenly across the txt files. Example: There are 1.729 data records in table XY Result: file 576 data records file 576 data records file 577 data records

I haven't found anything in the www. ChatGPT did not understand me so I need your help.

ChatGPT: This version puts the remainder in the last txt file ...

Sub ExportToTxtFiles_5()
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim totalRecords As Long
    Dim recordsPerFile As Long
    Dim numFiles As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    Dim filePath As String
    ' Set the path where you want to save the text files
    filePath = "C:\Temp\"

    ' Open the database and recordset
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Field FROM tableXY")
    ' Get the total number of records in the table
    totalRecords = rs.recordCount
    ' Calculate the number of files needed and the number of records per file
    numFiles = Int(totalRecords / 500) ' Number of files with 500 records
    recordsPerFile = Int(totalRecords / numFiles) ' Records per file
    ' Loop through each file
    For i = 1 To numFiles
        ' Open a new text file
        fileNum = FreeFile
        Open filePath & "File_" & i & ".txt" For Output As fileNum
        ' Write records to the text file
        For j = 1 To recordsPerFile
            If Not rs.EOF Then
                Print #fileNum, rs.Fields(0) ' Assuming the first column is what you want to export
            End If
        Next j
        ' Close the text file
        Close fileNum
    Next i
    ' If there are remaining records, create another file for them
    If Not rs.EOF Then
        fileNum = FreeFile
        Open filePath & "File_" & numFiles & ".txt" For Append As fileNum
        ' Write remaining records to the text file
        Do Until rs.EOF
            Print #fileNum, rs.Fields(0) ' Assuming the first column is what you want to export
        ' Close the text file
        Close fileNum
    End If
    ' Close the recordset and database
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    MsgBox "Export completed successfully.", vbInformation
End Sub


  • My suggestion would be to calculate the number of files and records before exporting the data

        Option Compare Database
        Option Explicit
        Const RecordPerFile = 500   'Number of records on the miniumn per file
        Type recordDistibution
            NumberOfRecords As Long
            totalnumberOfFiles As Long
            addOneRecordNumberofFiles As Long
        End Type
        Function getDistribution(totalNumberOfRecords As Long) As recordDistibution
        ' This function will calculate the total number of files needed
        ' the number of files where one needs to add one extra record
        ' and the number of records per file
            Dim result As recordDistibution
            result.totalnumberOfFiles = Int(totalNumberOfRecords / RecordPerFile)
            Dim remaining As Long
            remaining = totalNumberOfRecords Mod RecordPerFile
            Dim additionalRecords As Long
            additionalRecords = Int(remaining / result.totalnumberOfFiles)
            result.NumberOfRecords = additionalRecords + RecordPerFile
            ' addOneRecordNumberofFiles  will always less than totalnumberOfFiles
            result.addOneRecordNumberofFiles = remaining Mod result.totalnumberOfFiles
            getDistribution = result
        End Function
    Sub ExportToTxtFiles_5()
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
        Dim totalRecords As Long
        Dim recordsPerFile As Long
        Dim numFiles As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim fileNum As Integer
        Dim filePath As String
        ' Set the path where you want to save the text files
        filePath = "D:\Tmp\SO\"
        ' Open the database and recordset
        Set db = CurrentDb()
        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Artikel FROM tblData1")
        ' Get the total number of records in the table
        totalRecords = rs.RecordCount
        Dim distInfo As recordDistibution
        distInfo = getDistribution(totalRecords)
        recordsPerFile = distInfo.NumberOfRecords + 1
        For i = 1 To distInfo.addOneRecordNumberofFiles
            fileNum = FreeFile
            Open filePath & "File_" & i & ".txt" For Output As fileNum
            For j = 1 To recordsPerFile
                If Not rs.EOF Then
                    Print #fileNum, rs.Fields(0) ' Assuming the first column is what you want to export
                End If
            Next j
            Close fileNum
        Next i
        recordsPerFile = distInfo.NumberOfRecords
        For i = distInfo.addOneRecordNumberofFiles + 1 To distInfo.totalnumberOfFiles
            fileNum = FreeFile
            Open filePath & "File_" & i & ".txt" For Output As fileNum
            For j = 1 To recordsPerFile
                If Not rs.EOF Then
                    Print #fileNum, rs.Fields(0) ' Assuming the first column is what you want to export
                End If
            Next j
            Close fileNum
        Next i
    End Sub

    Assumption is that Const RecordPerFile = 500 less than total number of records.