How do I join two selected cells with a vertical line?
If the cells F6 and F11 were the ones to join,
one might type
and get a centered vertical line running from the middle of the bottom edge of F6 down to the middle of the top edge of F11.
This is for a family tree project.
Try this out
Function LineJoin(rngStart As Range, rngEnd As Range)
Dim shp As Shape, nm As String, ws As Worksheet
Dim st, sl, et, el
Set ws = Application.ThisCell.Worksheet ' `ThisCell` = the cell with the formula
'a [unique] name for the line
nm = rngStart.Address(False, False) & "_" & rngEnd.Address(False, False)
On Error Resume Next
ws.Shapes(nm).Delete 'remove any already-added line
On Error GoTo 0
'calculate start/end left & top
sl = rngStart.Left + (rngStart.Width / 2)
st = rngStart.Top + rngStart.Height
el = rngEnd.Left + (rngEnd.Width / 2)
et = rngEnd.Top
Set shp = ws.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, sl, st, el, et)
shp.Name = nm 'name the line
LineJoin = nm 'return the name of the added line
End Function