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How to make DLookup faster in Access VBA?

Please bear with me. I am still new to Access VBA.

TBL_Orders is an external source = SharePoint list linked where entries are now 5,000+ and will keep having more entries.

Ordered_By is a field of the names of the persons who made orders.

txtTicket is a textfield in the form which accepts numbers that when matched in its ID of TBL_Orders, txtOrderedBy displays the correct name of the person.

imgTix imgOrd

I have here a DLookup function that works very well and this is the only DLookup coded in the whole form.

Private Sub txtTicket_AfterUpdate()
    txtOrderedBy.Value = Nz(DLookup("[Ordered_By]", "[TBL_Orders]", "[ID] = " & [txtTicket]))
End Sub

However, the displaying of the name of the person in txtOrderedBy.Value per afterupdate of txtTicket.value has a delay of 7-8 seconds.

I tried to duplicate the external table to make it like a local table and check if the reason of the delay is the source being external but I get an error that says, 'Couldn't find the ".'


So I was not able to copy and test it.

But what could be causing the delay and how to make DLookup display a value instantly after update of txtTicket textfield?

Your help is greatly appreciated.


  • I'm not sure if it will help in your case but I use in my databases a DLookup replacement (incl. the other D-functions) based on recordsets. This is much faster than the built in functions. Names are similar and parameters are the same, just replace D by T in the name so that DLookup becomes TLookup.

    Here is the code to be copied in a new module:

    Option Compare Database   'Use database order for string comparisons
    Option Explicit
    ' Replacement Functions for DLookup, DCount & DSum , DMax & DMin
    ' Notes:
    ' Any spaces in field names or table names will probably result in an error
    ' If this is the case then provide the brackets yourselfs, e.g.
    ' tLookup("My field","My table name with spaces in") will blow big time
    ' tLookup("[My field]","[My table name with spaces in]") will be ok
    ' These functions will not bracket the field/table names for you so as to
    ' remain as flexible as possible, e.g. you can call tSum() to add or multiply or
    ' whatever along the way, e.g. tSum("Price * Qty","Table","criteria") or if you're
    ' feeling adventurous, specify joins and the like in the table name.
    ' See tLookup function for changes from last version
    ' Uses DAO
    ' VB Users
    ' Get rid of tLookupParam() and the case in the error trapping
    ' of tLookup() that calls it, this uses a function built-in to
    ' MS-Access.
    Public Enum tLookupReset
        tLookupDoNothing = 0
        tLookupRefreshDb = 1
        tLookupSetToNothing = 2
    End Enum
    Function tCount(pstrField As String, pstrTable As String, Optional pstrCriteria As String, Optional pdb As Database, Optional pLookupReset As tLookupReset = tLookupDoNothing) As Long
        ' Function tCount
        ' Purpose: Replace DCount, which is slow on attached tables
        ' Created: 1 Feb 1996 T.Best
        ' TB 28 Jan 2003
        ' Make this call TLookup() so we'll only need concentrate on
        ' one set of error handling code
        tCount = tLookup("count(" & pstrField & ")", pstrTable, pstrCriteria, pdb, pLookupReset)
    End Function
    Function tMax(pstrField As String, pstrTable As String, Optional pstrCriteria As String, Optional pdb As Database, Optional pLookupReset As tLookupReset = tLookupDoNothing) As Variant
        ' Function tMax
        ' Purpose: Replace DMax, which is slow on attached tables
        ' Created: 1 Feb 1996 T.Best
        ' TB 28 Jan 2003
        ' Make this call TLookup() so we'll only need concentrate on
        ' one set of error handling code
        tMax = tLookup("max(" & pstrField & ")", pstrTable, pstrCriteria, pdb, pLookupReset)
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Function tMin(pstrField As String, pstrTable As String, Optional pstrCriteria As String, Optional pdb As Database, Optional pLookupReset As tLookupReset = tLookupDoNothing) As Variant
        ' Function tMin
        ' Purpose: Replace DMin, which is slow on attached tables
        ' Created: 1 Feb 1996 T.Best
        ' TB 28 Jan 2003
        ' Make this call TLookup() so we'll only need concentrate on
        ' one set of error handling code
        tMin = tLookup("min(" & pstrField & ")", pstrTable, pstrCriteria, pdb, pLookupReset)
    End Function
    Function tSum(pstrField As String, pstrTable As String, Optional pstrCriteria As String, Optional pdb As Database, Optional pLookupReset As tLookupReset = tLookupDoNothing) As Double
        ' Function tSum
        ' Purpose: Replace DSum, which is slow on attached tables
        ' Created: 1 Feb 1996 T.Best
        ' TB 28 Jan 2003
        ' Make this call TLookup() so we'll only need concentrate on
        ' one set of error handling code
        tSum = Nz(tLookup("sum(" & pstrField & ")", pstrTable, pstrCriteria, pdb, pLookupReset), 0)
    End Function
    Function tLookup(pstrField As String, pstrTable As String, Optional pstrCriteria As String, Optional pdb As Database, Optional pLookupReset As tLookupReset = tLookupDoNothing) As Variant
        On Error GoTo tLookup_Err
        ' Function  tLookup
        ' Purpose:  Replace DLookup, which is slow on attached tables
        '           For where you can't use TbtLookup() if there's more
        '           than one field in the criteria or field is not indexed.
        ' Created:  9 Jan 1996 T.Best
        ' Mod       1 Feb 1996 T.Best
        '   Error Trapping brought in line with this procurement system.
        ' Mod       13 Apr 1999 T.Best
        '   Lookups to ODBC datasource use the gdbSQL database object.
        ' Mod       14 Apr 1999 T.Best
        '   gdbSQL object no good if doing lookup on a local table, DOH!
        ' Mod       11 Jan 2002 G.Hughes
        '   Removed gdbSQL as it was slowing tLookup Down.!!!!!!!!!
        ' Mod       Unlogged
        '   Someone put gdbSQL back in
        ' Mod       27 Jan 2003 T. Best
        '   Optimise gdbSQL to use Pass-through, it wickedly fast
        ' mod       13 Mar 2003
        '   Taken out gdbSQL for redistribution and replaced
        '   the DbEngine with CurrentDB to avoid the now well
        '   documented (in CDMA) DbEngine reference bug.
        '   Added tLookupReset Parameter which does the following
        '   tLookupDoNothing    Do nothing
        '   tLookupRefreshDb    Refreshes collections on the db
        '   tLookupCloseDb      Sets the db to nothing
        '   Also added a db parameter so programmer can call it using
        '   their own db variable, which may be something they opened
        '   elsewhere (Idea by D.Fenton in CDMA).
        Static dbLookup As DAO.Database
        Dim rstLookup As DAO.Recordset
        Dim varValue As Variant
        Dim strSQL As String
        ' if calling function sends a db then we'll use that
        If Not pdb Is Nothing Then
            Set dbLookup = pdb
            ' If our db vari is not initialised or the calling
            ' process wants the db objects refreshed then we'll
            ' set the db var using CurrentDb()
            If dbLookup Is Nothing Or pLookupReset = tLookupRefreshDb Then
                If Not dbLookup Is Nothing Then
                    Set dbLookup = Nothing
                End If
                Set dbLookup = CurrentDb()
            End If
        End If
        ' If no criteria specified then we don't even want to get as far
        ' as putting the word "where" in there
        If Len(pstrCriteria) = 0 Then
            strSQL = "Select " & pstrField & " From " & pstrTable
            ' handle those instances where you call tLookup using a field
            ' on a form but can't be bothered to check whether it's null
            ' first before calling, e.g. =tLookup("col1","table","col2=" & txtWhatever)
            ' if txtWhatever was null it would cause an error, this way if there's
            ' nothing after the "=" sign then we assume it was null so we'll make
            ' it look for one.
            ' You may want to handle this differently and avoid looking up
            ' data where the criteria field is null and just always return a
            ' null in which case you'd need to add code to avoid doing the
            ' lookup altogether or just change the criteria to " = Null" as
            ' nothing will ever match with " = Null" so the function would
            ' return null.
            If Right(RTrim(pstrCriteria), 1) = "=" Then
                pstrCriteria = RTrim(pstrCriteria)
                pstrCriteria = Left(pstrCriteria, Len(pstrCriteria) - 1) & " is Null"
            End If
            ' build our SQL string
            strSQL = "Select " & pstrField & " From (" & pstrTable & ") Where " & pstrCriteria
        End If
        ' now open a recordset based on our SQL
        Set rstLookup = dbLookup.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)
        ' chekc if we returned anything at all
        If Not rstLookup.BOF Then
            ' return the value returned in the query
            varValue = rstLookup(0)
            ' no records matched, return a null
            varValue = Null
        End If
        tLookup = varValue
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rstLookup = Nothing
        Exit Function
        Select Case Err
            Case 3061
                ' Error 3061 - Too Few Parameters - Expected x, you know those programmers
                ' should really parse out those form object references for themselves but
                ' we can try to retrieve the situation here by evaluating any parameters
                ' we find in the SQL string.
                tLookup = tLookupParam(strSQL, dbLookup)
            Case Else
                MsgBox Err.Description, 16, "Error " & Err & " in tLookup() on table " & pstrTable & vbCr & vbCr & "SQL=" & strSQL
            End Select
        Resume tLookup_Exit
    End Function
    Function tLookupParam(pstrSQL As String, pdb As Database) As Variant
        ' Called when tLookup, tCount, tMax, tMin or tSum have bombed out
        ' with an expected parameter error, will go and create a querydef
        ' and then attempt to evaluate the parameters
        ' Error Trapped: 12/02/1999 10:21:24 Admin
        On Error GoTo tCountParam_Err
        Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
        Dim rsT As DAO.Recordset
        Dim prm As DAO.Parameter
        Dim strMsg As String
        Dim i As Long
        Set qdf = pdb.CreateQueryDef("", pstrSQL)
        strMsg = vbCr & vbCr & "SQL=" & pstrSQL & vbCr & vbCr
        For i = 0 To qdf.Parameters.count - 1 ' Each prm In qdf.Parameters
            Set prm = qdf.Parameters(i)
            strMsg = strMsg & "Param=" & prm.Name & vbCr
            prm.Value = Eval(prm.Name)
            Set prm = Nothing
        Set rsT = qdf.OpenRecordset()
        tLookupParam = rsT(0)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set prm = Nothing
        Set rsT = Nothing
        Set qdf = Nothing
        Exit Function
        Select Case Err
            Case Else
                MsgBox Err.Description & strMsg, 16, "Error #" & Err & " In tLookupParam()"
        End Select
        Resume tCountParam_Exit
    End Function