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R2 in Brackets with Esttab

I want to export my regression results in TeX format with R2 in brackets using esttab. The code below produces a table with no brackets around R2 and I couldn't find a way to add them.

sysuse auto
eststo: qui reg price mpg

esttab using "reg.tex", ///
compress noconstant replace gaps noobs ///
 b(%8.3f) se(%8.3f) r2(%8.3f) nolines 


  • I am not sure this is possible out-of-the-box with esttab. The second-best is to automate this via sed (if on Mac/Linux):

    sysuse auto
    eststo: qui reg price mpg
    esttab using "reg.tex", ///
    compress noconstant replace gaps noobs ///
     b(%8.3f) se(%8.3f) r2(%8.3f) nolines 
    shell sed -i.bak -e 's#\\(R^{2}\\)#[R^{2}]#' reg.tex

    On Windows it's possible to use powershell for this, but I don't have access to a Windows machine to test it. A good starting point for Windows could be this answer.