Using Stata v18. I just want to tab all variables in the local varlist (in my original data, it's to display "missed" ER variables, but otherwise no difference). Any ideas on why Stata keeps telling me that
tab `var'
is not a valid command name?
I just want to tab
all variables in the local varlist (percent frequencies for each variable in the list). Ultimately, I'm doing a larger loop splitting out the varlist by state, by caseworker, etc., but this is the KISS version.
I've replicated and traced my problem using example dataset nlsw88.dta:
sysuse nlsw88.dta
set trace on
local varlist "married never_married grade collgrad south smsa c_city industry occupation union"
foreach var in `varlist' {
tab `var'
display "`var'"
set trace off
Stata repeatedly generates the following output and error message:
. clear
. sysuse nlsw88.dta
(NLSW, 1988 extract)
. set trace on
. local varlist "married never_married grade collgrad south smsa c_city indu
> stry occupation union"
. foreach var in `varlist' {
2. tab `var'
3. display "`var'"
4. }
- foreach var in `varlist' {
= foreach var in married never_married grade collgrad south smsa c_city indu
> stry occupation union {
- tab `var'
= tab married
is not a valid command name
display "`var'"
end of do-file
Any assistance appreciated.
Your code looks good in principle.
I think Stata is objecting to an unusual character that has crept in to your code, or more than one.
Notice that the error message you show us is NOT that tabulate
(or tab
) is not a valid command name. It is that
is not a valid command name
Look for unusual characters before tabulate
. Or just delete all the characters before tabulate
and try again.
Preparing code in MS Word is sometimes behind this problem. It is a word processor, not a text editor.
All that said,
sysuse nlsw88.dta, clear
tab1 married never_married grade collgrad south smsa c_city industry occupation union
is a simple alternative to your loop.
If you're checking for missing values in your real data, see
help misstable
or the missings
command from the Stata Journal, for which
search dm0085, entry