Search code examples

Display a MsgBox if no record found to run a report

The report is initiated from a Form "F_SachberbeiterUnterlagen", which uses a ComboList to search for the name of a specialist in a Table named "Abgabe_Unterlagen" If the name is found the report is initiated displaying all records for the Specialist.

To avoid empty reports I'd like to display a MsgBox when no record for the Specialist exists. My code doesn't work I tried different versions already.

can anyone help ?

Private Sub SachBearbeiterBericht_Click()
Me.Filter = "Sachbearbeiter_ID_F = " & Me.SachbearbeiterSuche
Me.FilterOn = True
If Not NULL Me.Filter Then
' Record found, proceed with generating the report
 DoCmd.OpenReport "R_MandantZuSachbearbeiter", acPreview, , "Sachbearbeiter_ID_F = " &         Me.SachbearbeiterSuche
' No Record found display MsgBox
MsgBox "Der Bericht enthält keine Daten.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Keine Daten"
End If

End Sub"

My code doesn't work I tried different versions already.

    Private Sub SachBearbeiterBericht_Click()
    Me.Filter = "Sachbearbeiter_ID_F = " & Me.SachbearbeiterSuche
    Me.FilterOn = True
    If Not NULL Me.Filter Then
    ' Record found, proceed with generating the report
    DoCmd.OpenReport "R_MandantZuSachbearbeiter", acPreview,,"Sachbearbeiter_ID_F = " &         Me.SachbearbeiterSuche
    ' No Record found display MsgBox
    MsgBox "Der Bericht enthält keine Daten.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Keine Daten"
    End If

    End Sub"

To avoid empty reports I'd like to display a MsgBox when no record for the Specialist exists.


  • Use a simple DCount to see if any records exists prior to opening the report.

    Not sure about the type of the Sachbearbeiter_ID_F field, but if it's text, its value needs to be enclosed in single quotes ' '.

    Private Sub SachBearbeiterBericht_Click()
        'No record selected
        If IsNull(Me.SachbearbeiterSuche) Then
            MsgBox "Please select a value"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'No records found
        If DCount("*", "Abgabe_Unterlagen", "Sachbearbeiter_ID_F = " & Me.SachbearbeiterSuche) = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No data"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Records found
        DoCmd.OpenReport ...
    End Sub

    Also, this syntax is incorrect (among other issues):

    If Not NULL Me.Filter Then