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Excel VBA function to remove letters at end of string

VBA experts,

I'm looking to build a function which will remove last letters [A-Z] from a string variable.

For example:

Sub Example()
Dim MyString() as string
ReDim Preserve MyString(3)

MyString(1) = "ABC345A"
MyString(2) = "DEFG6789BC"
MyString(3) = "AHIL2431LTR"

MyString(1) = RemLetters(MyString(1))
MyString(2) = RemLetters(MyString(2))
MyString(3) = RemLetters(MyString(3))
End Sub

Function RemLetters(MyString)
End Function


I'm expecting function to return:

MyString(1) = "ABC345"
MyString(2) = "DEFG6789"
MyString(3) = "AHIL2431"

So all the letters up to first number should be removed...

Cheers, Andy


  • I Testet this solution and it works. It looks always at the last Char and looks if it is a number or Not. If not it cut off the last Char and so on.

    Sub Example()
        Dim MyString() As String
    ReDim Preserve MyString(3)
    MyString(1) = "ABC345A"
    MyString(2) = "DEFG6789BC"
    MyString(3) = "AHIL2431LTR"
    MyString(1) = RemLetters(MyString(1))
    MyString(2) = RemLetters(MyString(2))
    MyString(3) = RemLetters(MyString(3))
    End Sub
    Function RemLetters(MyString As String) As String
    Dim bolExit As Boolean
    bolExit = True
    Do While bolExit = True
        Select Case Asc(Right$(MyString, 1))
                Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122
                    'IsLetter = True
                    MyString = Left$(MyString, Len(MyString) - 1)
                Case Else
                    'IsLetter = False
                    bolExit = False
            End Select
    RemLetters = MyString
    End Function