Search code examples

Replace a single selected character using VBA macro

I want to turn selected asterisk characters into superscripted asterisk.
Selection is important since I don't want to mess up my document completely.

Sub Superstarv4()
' makes all selected asterisks superscripted
    Dim selRange As Range

    ' Check if text is selected
    If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then
        MsgBox "No text selected. Please select some text.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Set selRange to the selected range
    Set selRange = Selection.Range

    ' Apply formatting only to the selected range
    With selRange.Find
        .Text = "*"  ' Find asterisks
        .Replacement.Font.Superscript = True  ' Format as superscript
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    End With
End Sub

If I were to select one (1) asterisk character, it converts ALL of the following asterisk character superscripted in the whole document. This problem consists of all VBA replacement operations. I got similar code that turns commas into dots with the same problem.

There is a quick fix:

Sub Superstarv5()
    ' Check if text is selected
    If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then
        MsgBox "No text selected. Please select some text.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim selRange As Range
    Set selRange = Selection.Range

    ' Ensure the range is valid and has text
    If selRange.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox "Selected text is empty. Please select some text.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Count the number of asterisks in the selected text
    Dim asteriskCount As Long
    asteriskCount = Len(selRange.Text) - Len(Replace(selRange.Text, "*", ""))

    ' Check if there is more than one asterisk
    If asteriskCount <= 1 Then
        MsgBox "Selected text does not contain more than one asterisk. No formatting applied.", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Apply superscript formatting only to the selected range
    With selRange.Find
        .Text = "*"  ' Find asterisks
        .Replacement.Font.Superscript = True  ' Format as superscript
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    End With
End Sub

This makes sure the user selected two instances of asterisks.


  • The main issue in your original code is that the Find operation affects the entire document when only one asterisk is selected. By adding .Wrap = wdFindStop, the search is limited to the selected range only, preventing changes outside the selection. This ensures the macro superscripts only the selected asterisks, no matter how many are present.

    Here's the adjusted key part:

    .Wrap = wdFindStop ' Stop at the end of the selection
    Sub SuperstarFixed()
        Dim SelRange As Range
        Dim n As Long
        Dim CharRange As Range
        Rem Check if text is selected
        If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then
            MsgBox "No text selected. Please select some text.", vbExclamation
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Rem Set selRange to the selected range
        Set SelRange = Selection.Range
        Rem Loop through each character in the selection
        For n = 1 To SelRange.Characters.Count
            Rem Set charRange to each individual character
            Set CharRange = SelRange.Characters(n)
            Rem Check if the character is an asterisk
            If CharRange.Text = "*" Then
                Rem Apply superscript formatting
                CharRange.Font.Superscript = True
            End If
    End Sub