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VBA create pivot with "data is added to the Data Model"

I have the following code below. The PivotTable is created just fine, but it does not have the "data is added to the data model" option selected. This means that I cannot use the "distinct count" option in the values field. How do I achieve this?

Sub test()

testpath = "C:\UserData\testfolder\testfile.xlsx"

With Workbooks.Open(testpath)
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = .Worksheets(2)
    Dim newSheet As Worksheet
    Set newSheet = .Worksheets.Add(Before:=ws)
    newSheet.Name = "PivotTableSheet"
    Dim pivotCache As pivotCache
    Set pivotCache = .PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=ws.UsedRange, Version:=xlPivotTableVersion15)
    Dim pivotTable As pivotTable
    Set pivotTable = pivotCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=newSheet.Cells(1, 1), TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion15)
End With

End Sub


  • You need to add the range to the connections.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Test()
        Dim Wb As Workbook
        Dim Ws As Worksheet
        Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
        Dim PivotCache As PivotCache
        Dim PivotTable As PivotTable
        Dim Conn As WorkbookConnection
        Dim Rng As Range
        Dim ConnName As String
        Dim TestPath As String
        TestPath = "C:\UserData\testfolder\testfile.xlsx"
        Rem TestPath = "D:\vba\sample data\SampleData.xlsx"
        Rem Open the workbook
        Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(TestPath)
        Set Ws = Wb.Worksheets(2)
        Rem Define the data range, assuming the data has headers
        Set Rng = Ws.UsedRange
        Rem Create a new sheet for the PivotTable
        Set NewSheet = Wb.Worksheets.Add(Before:=Ws)
        NewSheet.Name = "PivotTableSheet"
        Rem Add the UsedRange to the Data Model by creating a WorkbookConnection
        ConnName = "DataModelConnection"
        On Error Resume Next ' Ignore if connection already exists
        Set Conn = Wb.Connections(ConnName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Conn Is Nothing Then
            Set Conn = Wb.Connections.Add2(Name:=ConnName, _
                                           Description:="Connection to worksheet data", _
                                           ConnectionString:="WORKSHEET;" & Wb.FullName, _
                                           CommandText:=Rng.Address(External:=True), _
        End If
        Rem Now create a PivotCache from the Data Model (external connection)
        Set PivotCache = Wb.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlExternal, SourceData:=Conn, Version:=xlPivotTableVersion15)
        Rem Create the PivotTable from the data model connection
        Set PivotTable = PivotCache.CreatePivotTable( _
            TableDestination:=NewSheet.Cells(1, 1), _
            TableName:="PivotTable1", _
        Rem Cleanup
        Set Wb = Nothing
        Set Ws = Nothing
        Set Rng = Nothing
        Set NewSheet = Nothing
        Set PivotCache = Nothing
        Set PivotTable = Nothing
    End Sub

    Alternatively you could manually add the range.

    1. Select the data range

      • Highlight the range of data you want to add, including the headers.
    2. Go to the Data tab

      • Click on the Data tab in the Excel ribbon.
    3. Click on "From Table/Range"

      • In the "Get & Transform Data" group, click From Table/Range.
    4. Confirm the range

      • In the Create Table dialog box, confirm that your range is correct and check the box for "My table has headers" if applicable.
    5. Load to Data Model

      • The Power Query Editor will open. Without making changes, click Close & Load from the top-left corner, then select Close & Load To....
      • In the Import Data dialog, choose "Only Create Connection" and check the box labeled "Add this data to the Data Model."
    6. Click OK

      • The range is now added to the Data Model for use in PivotTables or Power Pivot.