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Loop iteration continues before receiving further input

I'm fairly new to using C++, so I'm having some issues -->

I'm sure I could do it another way simply using a function to check if the teacher wants to add another student. However, I believe this way should work. I ran into an error tho. The loop continues to iterate forever, printing "Would you like to add another student: y/n?". I thought it might be from leftover inputs being passed thru cin >> instructorChoice.

But if that was the case, shouldn't it stopped at the other cin(s)? Since it'll be meet them at one point, and again.

I also have another issue, I'm not sure how to print object attributes (I believe that's how you refer to them?), e.g. Though I'm sure I'll figure that one out later, not much of a problem. -->My print function in the header file.

I have a main file and a header file for my class. I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about it. I know it's a small program but I wanted to try getting into the habit of better file management while programming.

I'd appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.

    Simple "Class" Project 1:

    This program allows a teacher to add a student to a list of student,
    once she/he is done. The program prints all the students in the list
    along with their grades. I'm testing the use of header files by defining
    my class and its methods there.

    - Me

#include <vector>
#include  "student.h" //include files for student class
                      //includes <iostream>, <string>, namespace

int main() {
    //var declarations
    string studentName;
    int studentGrade;
    char instructorChoice;
    int i;

    //delcare student vector
    vector<Student> studentList;

    //take the initial input
    cout << "Would you like to add a new student: y/n?" << endl;
    cin >> instructorChoice;

    //run until no more students need to be addded
    while (instructorChoice == 'y') { 
        Student student; //create new student info

        //prompt for user info
        cout << "Student Name: ";
        cin >> studentName;

        cout << "Student Grade: ";
        cin >> studentGrade;

        student.SetName(studentName); //setName
        student.SetGrade(studentGrade); //setGrade
        studentList.push_back(student); //append to list of students

        //notify teacher!
        cout << student.GetName() << " has successfully been added!" << endl;

        //ask if they would like to add another student
        cout << "Would you like to add another student: y/n?" << endl;
        cin >> instructorChoice;


    //print all 
    for (i = 0; i < studentList.size(); ++i) { //iterate through object vector
    return 0;
    Student Class Declaration
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student {
        void SetName(string studentName);
        void SetGrade(char studentGrade);

        string GetName();
        int GetGrade();
        void PrintStudents();

        string name;
        char grade;


// public function definitions

void Student::SetName(string studentName) { //Set new student name
    name = studentName;

void Student::SetGrade(char studentGrade) { //Set new student grade
    grade = studentGrade;

string Student::GetName() { //return the student name
    return name;

int Student::GetGrade() { //return the student grade
    return grade;

void Student::PrintStudents() { //Print student name and grade
    cout << "Student: " << name << " Grade: " << grade << endl;

I tried using cin.ignore();

and cout << flush;

Pretty much anything I can find to clear any leftover buffers/inputs. Didn't work.

Not sure what the issue exactly is.


  • I read your's good for begin.

    The reason for the infinite loop is that grade type in your class is char but in main function is int.

    some wrong in clean code:

    • write include in all file don't use nested.

    • write function for cout << "Would you like to add a new student: y/n?" << endl; cin >> instructorChoice;. because is duplicate.

    your print is not bad but you can write string get_student_data() and can use operator overloading(operator<<)