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Validations in VBA access

In a Textbox it will carry the value of a percentage with decimals but I only want to be able to capture a single decimal point and only 2 decimals without rounding, I have already looked for a thousand ways and I can't find how

currently I only lied the validation that I only accept numbers in the ON KEY PRESS event

first of all, Thanks


  • If figured out a solution using the KeyPress event. As you can see it is quite difficult to account for all possible circumstances. For instance the user could have moved the cursor to a position before the decimal point or he/she could have selected text or try to enter a decimal point in the middle of a number which would result in more decimal than allowed.

    In this example I named my TextBox Number:

    Private Sub Number_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
        Dim s As String
        Dim pos As Integer
        If InStr(Number.Text, ".") > 0 And KeyAscii = Asc(".") Then
            ' Do not allow a second decimal point
            KeyAscii = 0
        ElseIf KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") Then
            s = Number.Text & Chr$(KeyAscii)
            pos = InStr(s, ".")
            ' Do not allow more than 2 decimal but allow input if before decimal point.
            If pos > 0 And Len(s) - pos - Number.SelLength > 2 And Number.SelStart >= pos Then
                KeyAscii = 0
            End If
        ElseIf KeyAscii <> Asc(".") And KeyAscii <> 8 Then ' 8 = Backspace
            ' Do not allow other characters to be entered
            KeyAscii = 0
        ElseIf KeyAscii = Asc(".") And Number.SelStart < Len(Number.Text) - Number.SelLength - 2 Then
            ' Do not allow entering a decimal point if this results in more than 2 decimals
            KeyAscii = 0
        End If
    End Sub