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EF Core : get random values ​from database

I have a parent table and a child table,I want to randomly receive 3 values ​​from each print ID in the child table and display them on the site.

Parent table:

Id       Name
1        Red
2        Blue 
3        Green

Child Table

Id   ColorId   Name
1       1      RedOne 
2       1      RedTwo
3       1      RedThree
4       2      BlueOne
5       2      BlueTwo
6       2      BlueThree

How can I do this?


  • You may try as below:

    public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
                var colors =await  _context.Color.Include(x => x.colorChildren.OrderBy(y => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(3).OrderBy(y=>y.Id)).ToListAsync();
                //make a check before return View
                return  View(colors);


    @model IEnumerable<Color>
    <table class="table">
    @foreach (var item in Model) {
                    @foreach (var child in item.colorChildren)

    Every time I refresh the page, diffrent childcolors would be displayed: enter image description here