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LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method Generic.List(int) to Generic.IEnumerable(int) method

The database contains Orders. Orders can be contained within a group of Orders. For every group of Orders it could contain 1 to many Orders.

However, Orders could have a NULL value assigned GroupOrderId as previous Orders did not have the grouping concept. Only new Orders enforce the concept of being added to a group.

The class structure to be populated in order to perform actions on each Order is

public class OrdersGroup
    public int? GroupOrderId { get; set; }
    public List<int> OrderIds { get; set; }

The linq statement

var workPacketOrdersList = (from o in db.Orders
                                        o.GroupOrderId >= groupOrderIdMin && o.GroupOrderId <= groupOrderIdMax &&
                                        o.IsDeleted == false
                                    orderby o.WorkPacketId ascending
                                    group o by o.WorkPacketId
                                    into grp
                                    select new OrdersGroup
                                                   GroupOrderId = grp.Key,
                                                   OrderIds = grp.Select(g => g.OrderId).ToList()

Full exception

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ToList[Int32](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Int32])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

I see that the returned type of the linq query is a List<OrdersGroup>.

If the final .ToList() is omitted from the query than the return type becomes an IQueryable<OrdersGroup>

No matter what action is performed next the result is an exception that this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

I have tried to remove the specific select new OrdersGroup into a more generic select new and then perform actions on this result only to find the same store expression exception.

Can someone give some insight into where this linq is incorrect?


  • this is the part that's failing - grp.Select(g => g.OrderId).ToList() - you can't have a .ToList() in the select clause. remove that and you should be fine.