The database contains Orders. Orders can be contained within a group of Orders. For every group of Orders it could contain 1 to many Orders.
However, Orders could have a NULL value assigned GroupOrderId as previous Orders did not have the grouping concept. Only new Orders enforce the concept of being added to a group.
The class structure to be populated in order to perform actions on each Order is
public class OrdersGroup
public int? GroupOrderId { get; set; }
public List<int> OrderIds { get; set; }
The linq statement
var workPacketOrdersList = (from o in db.Orders
o.GroupOrderId >= groupOrderIdMin && o.GroupOrderId <= groupOrderIdMax &&
o.IsDeleted == false
orderby o.WorkPacketId ascending
group o by o.WorkPacketId
into grp
select new OrdersGroup
GroupOrderId = grp.Key,
OrderIds = grp.Select(g => g.OrderId).ToList()
Full exception
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] ToList[Int32](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Int32])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
I see that the returned type of the linq query is a List<OrdersGroup>
If the final .ToList() is omitted from the query than the return type becomes an IQueryable<OrdersGroup>
No matter what action is performed next the result is an exception that this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
I have tried to remove the specific select new OrdersGroup
into a more generic select new
and then perform actions on this result only to find the same store expression exception.
Can someone give some insight into where this linq is incorrect?
this is the part that's failing - grp.Select(g => g.OrderId).ToList()
- you can't have a .ToList() in the select clause. remove that and you should be fine.