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TotalRowCount with paging in Linq2SQL

Im getting a paged datasource from a fairly complex linq query. My problem is that is takes twice as long to execute since I need to get the total row count before paging is applied in order to calculate the nr. of pages to dispaly. (the query will be executed twice)

Is there somehow I can do this in a more optimal way? Like using SQL's @@rowcount somehow?

This is roughly what the query looks like right now. (using Dynamic linq)

    public IList<User> GetPagedUsers(string filter, string sort, int skip, 
       int take, out int totalRows)
            using(var dbContext = new DataContext())
               IQueryable<User> q = GetVeryComplexQuery(dbContext);

               //Apply filter if exists
               if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
                   q = q.Where(filter);

               //Set total rows to the out parameter
               totalRows = q.Count(); //Takes 4 sec to run

               //Apply sort if exists
               if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort))
                   q = q.OrderBy(sort);

               //Apply paging and return
               return q.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList(); //Takes 4 sec to run

Why wont this for example work?

TblCompanies.Dump(); //150 rows
ExecuteQuery<int>("select @@ROWCOUNT").Dump(); //returns 0


  • Linq2Sql will actually translate the use of Skip & Take into the SQL Statement so even if you could get @@RowCount the value will not be great than your take parameter.

    If we take the following simple example (lifted from MSDN

    IQueryable<Customer> custQuery3 =
        (from custs in db.Customers
         where custs.City == "London"
         orderby custs.CustomerID
         select custs)
    foreach (var custObj in custQuery3)

    the following SQL is generated

    SELECT TOP 1 [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName],
    FROM [Customers] AS [t0]
        FROM (
            SELECT TOP 1 [t1].[CustomerID]
            FROM [Customers] AS [t1]
            WHERE [t1].[City] = @p0
            ORDER BY [t1].[CustomerID]
            ) AS [t2]
        WHERE [t0].[CustomerID] = [t2].[CustomerID]
        ))) AND ([t0].[City] = @p1)
    ORDER BY [t0].[CustomerID]

    So you can see that the skip is actually occurring inside the SQL Statement and therefore @@RowCount is going to equal the amount of rows returned by the query and not the entire result set.