Error: The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery (snip) ...looking for type 'Advocate'
Controller method looks like this:
public ActionResult AdvocateEdit(int id)
var advocate = from a in db.Query<Advocate>().Include(a => a.AdvocateId)
where (a.AdvocateId == id)
select a;
return View(advocate);
The view is indeed typed to the Advocate @model and after stepping through, I'm pretty sure the problem is this query. It needs to be of type Advocate when it returns.
db.Query is an IQueryable<T> method in my DbContext that returns Set<T>().
Let me know if more info is needed. Thanks people
ADDED ----
public interface IAcmeDb : IDisposable
IQueryable<T> Query<T>() where T : class;
public class AcmeDb : DbContext, IAcmeDb
public AcmeDb() : base("name=AcmeDB") {}
public DbSet<Advocate> Advocates { get; set; }
IQueryable<T> IAcmeDb.Query<T>()
return Set<T>();
If your view requires a single Advocate
and there is always only one entity for a given id then you want:
public ActionResult AdvocateEdit(int id)
Advocate advocate = db.Query<Advocate>().Single(a => a.AdvocateId == id);
return View(advocate);
catch(InvalidOperationException ex)
//handle the case where no entity matches the supplied id (return status code 404?), or
//there are no Advocates at all (redirect to a create page?), or
//more than one entity matches (return status code 500)