I am trying to make the signal called ld_tx_data_scope a value of 1 after the first 5 positive edges and remain high for 5 positive edges, and then have it go low and stay low. However, simulating the Verilog code provides this output for ld_tx_data_scope:
As, you can see above the signal remains low.
The Verilog code is shown below:
module test(
input clk_50;
reg ld_tx_data;
output reg ld_tx_data_scope;
reg tx_enable;
reg [7:0] my_tx_data;
reg rx_enable;
reg [16:0] ld_tx_counter_debug;
reg ld_tx_toggle;
reg [16:0] ld_tx_data_scope_uptime;
tx_enable <= 1;
rx_enable <= 0;
my_tx_data <= 8'b01010101;
always @* begin
ld_tx_data_scope = ld_tx_data;
always@(posedge clk_50)
ld_tx_counter_debug <= ld_tx_counter_debug + 1;
//rx_counter <= rx_counter + 1;
if(ld_tx_counter_debug == 5 && ld_tx_toggle == 0) //5000
ld_tx_counter_debug <= 0;
ld_tx_data <= 1;
ld_tx_toggle = 1;
if (ld_tx_toggle == 1)
ld_tx_data_scope_uptime = ld_tx_data_scope_uptime + 1;
if (ld_tx_data_scope_uptime == 5)//100
ld_tx_data <= 0;
ld_tx_data_scope_uptime = 0;
Any help is appreciated.
I use Quartus which has a software called Simulation Waveform editor. It allows me to set the input clk_50
to 50 MHz, and it will provide the output for ld_tx_data_scope
. So I've been testing it that way.
Steps to reproduce in Quartus
Download my project files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nF_FMn7xCJBifag5QRBkbpPhO-g9yHFz?usp=sharing Downloading my project makes it easier since Quartus has a lot of pre-setup steps.
open the test.qpf file to open the project, once the project has open in qaurtus you can than open the file test.v by clicking File-->Open option, which contain the Verilog code.
Open my Waveform.vwf file by File-->Open and navigating to file. Make sure the option "All Files(.)" is selected so you can see the .vwf file
In order to run the simulation click the Run Functional Simulation button which is the button at the most right in the image below:
7.[OPTIONAL] If you want to create your own waveform go to File-->New-->University Program VWF than after a blank file open right click in the blank space shown below and click "Insert Node or bus"
Another window will pop up and then you will click "Node Finder":
Another window will appear and then you click "List", after that the signals will appear in the "Nodes Found" section. Highlight the the two signals and then click on the >> button to bring them to the "Selected Nodes" side. After that click on OK:
Then right click on the clk_50 signal so its highlighted blue and click on the Overwrite clock option, from there you can set the clock to 50Mhz
If your going to make your own waveform file than while your in the Simulation Waveform Editor file, go to Simulation-->Simulation Settings and add -suppress 12110
to the modelSim Script to avoid getting an error related to novopt:
vsim -novopt -suppress 12110 -c -t 1ps -L cyclonev_ver -L altera_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L 220model_ver -L sgate_ver
As others have pointed out, there is an issue in the OP where the control signals are not initialized; their default is x. Adding 1 to x is x; Verilog does not behave as expected control if signals are not initialized.
The way to initialize RTL models is to use a reset signal that fans into the module. The posted code does not have a reset signal. Is there any other way to initialize? Yes there is a style that is not recommended because its implemented differently between vendors. However the post asked about a specific vendor so lets use it. I did a search on 'Altera initialize signal' and found a pdf with a section that discusses the topic. Here is a snip of that section:
This document is way out of date, I recommend researching this to determine if the needed behavior for signal initialization is supported in the version of the tools you are using.
I performed the following changes to the code:
@(posedge clk)
block to be non-blocking <=
, as others have pointed outalways *
to assign
, because the always *
block was not picking up the initialization of the RHS and passing it to the LHS at t=0The design now behaves as intended. Here is the code:
module test(
input clk_50,
output wire ld_tx_data_scope
// locals
reg ld_tx_data = 0;
reg [16:0] ld_tx_counter_debug = 0;
reg ld_tx_toggle = 0;
reg [16:0] ld_tx_data_scope_uptime = 0;
assign ld_tx_data_scope = ld_tx_data;
always@(posedge clk_50) begin
ld_tx_counter_debug <= ld_tx_counter_debug + 1;
if(ld_tx_counter_debug == 5 && ld_tx_toggle == 0)
ld_tx_counter_debug <= 0;
ld_tx_data <= 1;
ld_tx_toggle <= 1;
if (ld_tx_toggle == 1) begin
ld_tx_data_scope_uptime <= ld_tx_data_scope_uptime + 1;
if (ld_tx_data_scope_uptime == 4) begin
ld_tx_data <= 0;
ld_tx_data_scope_uptime <= 0;
Here are the waves from a small testbench on eda playground: