Why I get 401 and no error message when I want to create an account holder ?
I make a request with https://reqbin.com
URL: https://cal-test.adyen.com/cal/services/Account/v6/createAccountHolder
x-API-key: xxx
method: POST,
content (body)
"address": {
"country": "DE"
"email":"[email protected]",
"firstName":"First name",
"lastName":"Last Name"
The API Key
required by the CAL api is different from the API key used for processing payments.
The API credentials for marketplace have typically the format <username>@MarketPlace.<account code>
and unfortunately you cannot create that via the Customer Area web app.
Reach out to Adyen Support to request the creation of the credential: you can then manage them (i.e. generate API key, config Basic Auth) yourself in the CA.