I am working on a store where we need to integrate Adyen React drop-in components.
I have followed and integrated the guide from here: https://docs.adyen.com/online-payments/web-drop-in
So the workflow that we need to implement is the following:
But right now the integration with Adyen forces us to the following steps:
When creating an Adyen SESSION, it is mandatory to provide a reference, and this reference will be the link between an order and a payment. From the above workflows, you can see that we are forced to have an order ID as soon as the user fills payment data and we don't want that.
We want to create the order only at the end of transaction.
Is it possible to achieve this?
I have tried following the React and NodeJS guides available on git repository but they are just generating a random UUID for every payment
Unfortunately it is not possible to modify the payment reference after creating the session.
The only way around would be to re-create a new session (using the OrderId) but still before performing the payment.