Please help me with some sample code. I am battling to get Adyen drop in components to work (seemlessly) in my .net framework 4.72 ..
I have pretty much followed the php example from github and do exactly the same thing just made it work with c# and ..
I have managed to get a response: Refused and Accepted with my interaction through javascript..
the problem is: once payment has succeeded(or failed) the payment method component stays in a waiting state (donut).. I want to :
the makepayment javascript looks like this:
its literally from the php sample.
const makePayment = (paymentMethod, config = {}) => {
const paymentsConfig = { ...paymentsDefaultConfig, ...config };
const paymentRequest = { ...paymentsConfig, ...paymentMethod };
return httpPost(baseurl + 'payments', paymentRequest)
.then(response => {
//if (response.error) throw 'Payment initiation failed';
//ui stuff so I can see what happened.
if (response.error) {
if (response.resultCode == "Authorised") {
document.getElementById('payment-success').style = "display:block"
else {
document.getElementById('payment-failed').style = "display:block"
return response;
this never changes once payment has gone to the server and returned in the javascript above.
I cant figure out how to reset the drop in component
Happy to help!
the problem is: once payment has succeeded(or failed) the payment method component stays in a waiting state (donut).. I want to :
- show a message and reset it on fail
- redirect somewhere else on success (I was hoping it was clever enough to redirect to my redirect url by itself.. but I dont know if the drop in can do that ?)
The Adyen Drop-in is able handle this for you. According to the Adyen documentation, you can get this behavior by overriding the onPaymentCompleted(...)
and the onError(...)
functions. Note: You must ensure that the returnUrl
is specified in your request, see documentation here.
The configuration is used in Checkout(configuration)
, you can find a Javascript + .NET integration-example here.
const configuration = {
environment: 'test', // Change to 'live' for the live environment.
clientKey: 'test_870be2...', // Public key used for client-side authentication:
analytics: {
enabled: true // Set to false to not send analytics data to Adyen.
session: {
id: 'CSD9CAC3...', // Unique identifier for the payment session.
sessionData: 'Ab02b4c...' // The payment session data.
onPaymentCompleted: (result, component) => {, component);
onError: (error, component) => {
console.error(, error.message, error.stack, component);
// Any payment method specific configuration. Find the configuration specific to each payment method:
// For example, this is 3D Secure configuration for cards:
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
card: {
hasHolderName: true,
holderNameRequired: true,
billingAddressRequired: true
I see that your question also contains a reference to the ".NET Framework 4.72". Typically, the (javascript) code above should be part of your frontend (client-side). The client should then send your request to your backend (server-side/ASP .NET Core usually, which holds your secrets such as your ADYEN_API_KEY
), which then forwards that request to the Adyen servers. I've included a diagram below for illustration purposes:
Hope this helped you move forward with your integration :)