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How const std::shared_ptr reference upcast works?

According to my understanding, when a const shared_ptr& is upcasted, it creates a new shared pointer of the based class pointing to the same (casted) object.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Animal

class Cat : public Animal

void display(const std::shared_ptr<Animal>& animal)
    std::cout << animal.use_count() << std::endl;

int main()
    auto cat = std::make_shared<Cat>();

    std::cout << cat.use_count() << std::endl;
    std::cout << cat.use_count() << std::endl;

The output of the above code is as follow.

sujith@AKLJoincggDLEd:~/sujith$ g++  -std=c++17 main.cpp
sujith@AKLJoincggDLEd:~/sujith$ ./a.out

My question is what operator does this? Can we get the same behaviour for other reference upcasting as well? Or is it speficially handled for shared_ptr references?

Thank you for looking into this.


  • The function that does this is std::shared_ptr's constructor, specifically overload 9:

    template< class Y >
    shared_ptr( const shared_ptr<Y>& r ) noexcept;

    These are the semantics:

    Constructs a shared_ptr which shares ownership of the object managed by r. If r manages no object, *this manages no object either. The template overload doesn't participate in overload resolution if Y* is not implicitly convertible to (until C++17)compatible with (since C++17) T*.

    Important is the last sentence. Your Cat* (Y*) is convertible to / compatible with your Animal* (T*). So, this constructor participates in overload resolution and is selected because it is the only one available (the other overloads do not match).

    Here is a simplified example that highlights how the general concept works, that std::shared_ptr uses in the quoted overload:

    struct A{};
    struct B {
      B(A const& a) {}
    void foo(B const&) {}
    int main() {
      A a;

    The call to foo implicitly creates a B object via B::B(A const&). foo is then passed a const reference to that temporary B object.

    The fact that in your example B and A were types stemming from the same class template is immaterial.