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How to draw matrices with a label in a latex figure?

I want to create tables as part of a figure in latex. I want to achieve this look:

I have no idea which package/commands to use.


  • Nothing fancy here; just some math as part of the figure environment:

    enter image description here

      $\sigma_1 \rightarrow \sigma_2 :
        \begin{array}{ | *{5}{c|} }
          a & b & c & e & f \\
          a & b & c & e & f
        \end{array}$ \quad
      $\sigma_1 \rightarrow \sigma_3 :
        \begin{array}{ | *{5}{c|} }
          a & b & c &  e  & f \\
          a & b & c & \gg & f
      \caption{A figure caption}