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Is it possible to insert an if condition inside a return statement in C?

My purpose is trying to write a function as concise and short as possible.

int func(void)
    int a;
    return (
        a = 42,
        if (a > 42) a *= -1,

I was expecting to return a -43. Instead I've got a compilation error.


  • My purpose is trying to write a function as concise and short as possible.

    int a;
    return (
       a = 42,
       if (a > 42) a *= -1,

    Can simply be rewritten as:

    return -43;

    Or if that's too short for your liking, then you're looking for the conditional operator (colloquially referred to as the ternary operator), which has the form:

    /* if a is logically true (does not evaluate to zero) 
    *  then evaluate expression b, otherwise 
    *  evaluate expression c
    a ? b : c;

    So the return statement can be rewritten as:

    a = 42;
    return ++a > 42 ? -a : a;

    As of your objective, then there's no merit to it. You should not write clever code. It harms readability and maintainability. (Although in this case, it doesn't)


    1. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Leonardo da Vinci
    2. Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.Martin Fowler
    3. Everything should be made as simple as possible — but no simpler.Albert Einstein (attributed).¹

    [1] — credit: @SteveSummit