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Center table and make one row different

I've got a table like:

\begin{table} [h]
\caption{some caption.} 
    \label{tab: 1}
\begin{tabular}{||c | c c c c c||}
Team &Goal& SOG& SA& Hits& Possession\\ 
 \textbf{Team1} & 54 & 171 &    464 & 941 & 11:46:33
 \textbf{Team2} & 89 & 237 & 502 & 861 & 10:28:02 \\ 
\hline \hline
Per cent split\\
 \hline \hline
 \textbf{Team1}&  38\% &    42\% &  48\% &  52\% &  53\%  \\

And I cannot seem to center it. I've wrapped it in a \center but it still pushes to the left of the page. I am also wondering how to alter the row with Per cent split: ideally I'd want the text centered on the row and the row to end in the same manner that the table does, right now it does not do that.



  • You center instructions must be within the table environment. However you shouldn't use the center environment. This will add additional vertical spacing. You should use \centering instead.

    \begin{table} [h]
    \caption{some caption.} 
        \label{tab: 1}
    \begin{tabular}{||c | c c c c c||}
    Team &Goal& SOG& SA& Hits& Possession\\ 
     \textbf{Team1} & 54 & 171 &    464 & 941 & 11:46:33
     \textbf{Team2} & 89 & 237 & 502 & 861 & 10:28:02 \\ 
    \hline \hline
    \multicolumn{6}{||c||}{Per cent split}\\
     \hline \hline
     \textbf{Team1}&  38\% &    42\% &  48\% &  52\% &  53\%  \\

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