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Svelte break in each

So i have a database that i recieve an array of objects(JSON) that i iterate over using each but if there are like a 1000 objects to iterate over then i don't want to make all of them appear at one i want a "page" mechanism where each page contains around 30 and then the next page contains the next 30 and so on and so on.

But in order to do this i would need to "break" in the each block.

If anyone has a better idea on how to do this then please share your idea/source since i don't think the implementation i came up with is very good.


  • You could slice your big array to just iterate over the relevant objects in the each block.

    Example (REPL)

        const database = Array.from({ length: 1000 }, (_, index) => ({
            id: index,
            text: Math.random().toString()
        const pageSize = 30;
        let offset = 0;
    {#each database.slice(offset, offset + pageSize) as el (}
        disabled={offset === 0}
        on:click={() => offset -= pageSize}
        disabled={offset + pageSize >= database.length}
        on:click={() => offset += pageSize}