first function is this
$output_csv = fopen( "Poems.csv", "w" );
..code here
$poem_text = trim($pre->innertext);
$poem_text = str_replace('"','',$poem_text);
$poem_text = html_entity_decode($poem_text);
$poem_text = str_replace(array('\\', "\0", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\x1a")," ",$poem_text);
...code here
oem_data = array( $author_names[$i], $poem_names[$i], $poem_text, $poem_urls[$i] );
fputcsv( $output_csv, $poem_data );
...code here
the last function is
function writeQuotestoDb() {
$input_csv = fopen( "Poems.csv", "r" );
$author_names = array();
$poem_names = array();
$poem_text = array();
$poem_urls = array();
while (($columns = fgetcsv($input_csv, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
array_push( $author_names, $columns[0] );
array_push( $poem_names, $columns[1] );
array_push( $poem_text, $columns[2]);
array_push( $poem_urls, $columns[3] );
fclose( $input_csv );
//$dbh = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'poetiv', 'alegado' );
$dbh = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'root', '' );
mysql_select_db( 'test', $dbh );
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `poem2` (
`author_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
`poem_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
`poem_text` text,
`poem_url` varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL
mysql_query("TRUNCATE `poem2`");
for ( $i=0; $i<count($author_names); $i++ ) {
$poems[$i] = substr($poems[$i],7,(strlen($poems[$i])-14));
$poems[$i] = str_replace('"','',$poems[$i]);
$query = "insert into poem2 (author_name,poem_name,poem_text,poem_url) values
('" . $author_names[$i] . "', '" . $poem_names[$i]."', '" . $poem_text[$i]."', '" .$poem_urls[$i] ."')";
if( !mysql_query($query) ) { echo $query;
echo count($author_names)." rows....successfully db updated";
//SELECT count(*) FROM `quotes` WHERE criteria = 'Baby Quotes'
i get an error like this one example
'Salve magna parens frugum Saturnia tellus, Magna virm! tibi res antiqu laudis et artis Aggredior, sanctos ausus recludere fontes. Virg. Geor. 2. 1 While you, my Lord, the rural shades admire, 2 And from Britannia's public posts retire, 3 Nor longer, her ungrateful sons to please, 4 For their advantage sacrifice your ease; 5 Me into foreign realms my fate conveys, 6 Through nations fruitful of immortal lays, 7 Where the soft seas
The ' in Britannia's is not escaped
im not sure if it needs to be ''or \'
but i would like to know how to solve this error and be able to complete to write all in the sql db
Use mysql_real_escape_string
on your values before plugging them into a query.
Better yet, get with the times and use the PDO extension with prepared statements.