On Google BigQuery I'm running 5 concurrent updates on a partitioned table and then I got the following error:
Transaction is aborted due to concurrent update against table dataset_test.test1
Following Google DML docs, it says that I can have concurrent updates since they don’t modify the same partition.
I'm giving partition location to the statements to ensure that they modify different partitions.
Here is my table:
CREATE TABLE `dataset_test.test1`
partition_id INT64,
familia_g STRING,
target STRING,
status STRING,
datetime DATETIME
Here is a statement example:
UPDATE `dataset_test.test1`
SET status = 'processing',
datetime = current_datetime
WHERE partition_id = 2
AND familia_g = 'familia1'
AND target = 'df'
Since I'm running 5 statements, partition_id receives 0 to 4 for each statements.
Here is another statement for other partition:
UPDATE `dataset_test.test1`
SET status = 'processing',
datetime = current_datetime
WHERE partition_id = 4
AND familia_g = 'familia3'
AND target = 'df'
Thanks to advance.
Since I'm running these statements on different BigQuery procedures they open new transaction each.
According to transactions docs concurrent transactions (conflicting) are cancelled.