Let's say we have these two if
conditions assigning values to the same variable and both if
statements can be true at the same time. What value will x have? Lets say z and y are equal to 0.
From my testing in simulator, the if
statement that was written lower in the code had precedence. The value of x was 1 when I simulated the code below with values of z and y equal to 0. When I had the if
conditions swapped (the if
condition with "!z" came at the end), then the value of x came out to be 0 in the simulation.
Is there a rule when such a condition happens in Verilog?
always @ (posedge clk) begin
x <= 1'b0;
if (!z) begin
x <= 0;
if (!y) begin
x <= 1;
The rules for all Verilog behavior are set in the IEEE Std 1800-2017. Section 9.3.1 Sequential blocks, states:
A sequential block shall have the following characteristics:
— Statements shall be executed in sequence, one after another.
In this context, a sequential block is defined by the begin/end
Also, section 10.4.2 Nonblocking procedural assignments:
The order of the execution of distinct nonblocking assignments to a given variable shall be preserved.
However, it is much more common to write your code so that each nonblocking assignment is unambiguous.
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!y) begin
x <= 1;
end else if (!z) begin
x <= 0;
end else begin
x <= 0;
When this code is simulated, only one of the 3 assignments will be executed.