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Why is table of contents page shifted in latex (Overleaf)

I am using this template The second page of table of contents (and the first chapter) as shown in the figure.

the second page is shifted to write

Can anyone explain why this happens and how can I avoid it?


  • Overleaf is not responsible. Keep in mind the first comment above by

    Margins are asymmetric for even/odd pages to bind them in a book

    This is enough of an explaination. But I downloaded the main tex file from your template: see (also thanks to the code highlighting below) the options available for your documentclass, each one in a new dedicated line and most of them commented. See the third line of the code that follows, notice that your template is set on twoside by default, but they give you the option to uncomment oneside.

    11pt, % The default document font size, options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
    %oneside, % Two side (alternating margins) for binding by default, uncomment to switch to one side
    english, % ngerman for German
    singlespacing, % Single line spacing, alternatives: onehalfspacing or doublespacing
    %draft, % Uncomment to enable draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes indicated)
    %nolistspacing, % If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists to single
    %liststotoc, % Uncomment to add the list of figures/tables/etc to the table of contents
    %toctotoc, % Uncomment to add the main table of contents to the table of contents
    %parskip, % Uncomment to add space between paragraphs
    %nohyperref, % Uncomment to not load the hyperref package
    headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header
    %chapterinoneline, % Uncomment to place the chapter title next to the number on one line
    %consistentlayout, % Uncomment to change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout
    ]{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure

    If oneside may be suitable for a pdf to be only uploaded online or for one-side printout, sure twoside is the one to choose for two-side book-like printout.

    By the way, I studied in Southampton too but at Solent Uni :)