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String concatenation c++ giving unexpected answer

I was solving a problem on leetcode: Count and say, and wrote the following program:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class Solution
    string countAndSay(int n)
        string ans = "";
        if (n == 1)
            return "1";
        string say = countAndSay(n - 1);
        int j = 0, i = 0;
        while (i < say.size())
            while (say[j] == say[i] && j < say.size())
            int diff = j - i;
            ans += to_string(diff);
            ans += to_string(say[i]);
            i = j;
        return ans;
int main()
    Solution sol;
    cout << sol.countAndSay(4) << "\n";
    return 0;

while i was expecting "1211", it was giving "149152157149153150149153155" as an answer.

I tried to debug this and found that ans += to_string(say[i]); this was concatenating unexpected value. eg:- say="1", i=0, j=1, diff = 1 and ans="" after ans += to_string(diff); has already concatenated "1", instead of concatenating "1" to_string(say[i]); is concatenating "49". Can anyone please explain what is happening?


  • ans += to_string(say[i]);

    That line ends up converting say[i] as an integer (because char is an integer type!).

    Solution, add it as a character:

    ans += say[i];

    For your convenience:

    And the lesson here is: if a line with a library function call does funny thing things, read the docs of the function.