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Latex how to cite a source for a table

The goal is for the output to resemble something like the following where you have a '1' on the top and on the bottom it refers to the '1' providing more information.

enter image description here

Now, my values in the table are different, but it should still resemble that image.

        \caption{Atomic Numbers and Melting Points in Kelvin of Elements O, S, Se, Te, and Po.\label{table:elements}}
                row{1} = {font=\bfseries, bg=black!15}
        Element &   Atomic Number   & Melting Point (K) \\
        Oxygen       &  8       &   54.8            \\
        Sulfur       &  16      &   388.36          \\
        Selenium     &  34      &   494             \\
        Tellurium    &  52      &   722.66          \\
        Polonium     &  84      &   528             \\

enter image description here


  • I am sure that there is a better way, but this is what I did.

    enter image description here

    \graphicspath{ {./figures/} }
        colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links
        urlcolor=blue        % color of external links
            \caption{Atomic Numbers and Melting Points in Kelvin of Elements O, S, Se, Te, and Po.\textsuperscript{1}}
                    row{1} = {font=\bfseries, bg=black!15}
            Element &   Atomic Number   & Melting Point (K) \\
            Oxygen       &  8       &   54.8            \\
            Sulfur       &  16      &   388.36          \\
            Selenium     &  34      &   494             \\
            Tellurium    &  52      &   722.66          \\
            Polonium     &  84      &   528             \\
        \footnotesize{\textsuperscript{1}Periodic Table, \color{blue}\uline{\url{\#Properties}} \color{black}(accessed September 12, 2022)}