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customizing latex table row and font color

I have created a table in Rmarkdown using the following code:

row{odd} = {bg=azure8},
row{1} = {bg=azure3, fg=white, font=\sffamily},
Number  &  Model \\
Model 1 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot {M\_WS} + \epsilon\) \\
Model 2 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + f(M\_WS) + \epsilon\) \\
Model 3 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot W\_WS+ \beta _2\cdot W\_Direction+  \beta _3\cdot Temperature + \beta _4\cdot Pressure  + \epsilon\) \\
Model 4 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + f(M\_WS)+  f(W\_Direction)+ f(Temperature) + f(Pressure)  + \epsilon\) \\
Model 5 &  \(BC\_WS =\beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot (M\_WS)+  f(W\_Direction)+ f(Temperature) + f(Pressure)  + \epsilon\) \\
Model 6 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot M\_U+ \beta _2\cdot M\_V+  \beta _3\cdot Temperature + \beta _4\cdot Pressure  + \epsilon\) \\
Model 7 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + f(M\_U)+ f(M\_V)+ f(Temperature) + f(Pressure)  + \epsilon\)

and the output looks like this: enter image description here

How can I customise it so that it results in the following picture? I need to change the colour of rows so that rows and font colour corresponding to model 1, model 3, and model 6 be the same, rows and font colour corresponding to model 2, model 4, and model 7 be the same and row 5 background colour to be different. There should be aline separting two column and The second column in the first row is centred, so the output is like this: enter image description here


  • Before you use this table, please

    Number  &  Model \\
    Model 1 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot {M\_WS} + \epsilon\) \\
    Model 2 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + f(M\_WS) + \epsilon\) \\
    Model 3 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot W\_WS+ \beta _2\cdot W\_Direction+  \beta _3\cdot Temperature + \beta _4\cdot Pressure  + \epsilon\) \\
    Model 4 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + f(M\_WS)+  f(W\_Direction)+ f(Temperature) + f(Pressure)  + \epsilon\) \\
    Model 5 &  \(BC\_WS =\beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot (M\_WS)+  f(W\_Direction)+ f(Temperature) + f(Pressure)  + \epsilon\) \\
    Model 6 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + \beta _1\cdot M\_U+ \beta _2\cdot M\_V+  \beta _3\cdot Temperature + \beta _4\cdot Pressure  + \epsilon\) \\
    Model 7 &  \(BC\_WS = \beta _0 + f(M\_U)+ f(M\_V)+ f(Temperature) + f(Pressure)  + \epsilon\)

    enter image description here