My goal is to generate a keypair using generateKeyPair
from Codec.Crypto.RSA
This function requires a generator of type RandomGen
. I have tried to make this generator with newGenIO
, but I'm having a hard time specifying its type.
import qualified Codec.Crypto.RSA as Crypto
import Crypto.Random
someFunc = do
let g = newGenIO :: CryptoRandomGen (IO SystemRandom)
let keyPair = Crypto.generateKeyPair g 10
Haskell suggested CryptoRandomGen SystemRandom
when I didn't specify a type after newGenIO
This is the error message that comes when trying to run the code.
• Expected a type, but
‘CryptoRandomGen (IO SystemRandom)’ has kind
Does anyone know what type I have use to get it to work?
Try replacing that line with this one:
g <- newGenIO :: IO SystemRandom
When you want a specific instance of a class, you just use the type, rather than specifying the class again. And to get something out of IO, you need to bind into it rather than just using =