I am trying to run a testbench on ModelSim. I successfully compile and analyze my circuit code with only one warning:
Warning (20028): Parallel compilation is not licensed and has been disabled
This is my testbench scenario:
initial begin
clk = 0;
initial begin
forever begin
clk = ~clk;
initial begin
inc_or_res = 1;
ld_reg8 = 1;
inc_or_res = 0;
As you can see it must run for at least 100ps with the delays I defined.
This is the simulation result I get. As you can see, it stops at 11ps. So I can't test my scenarios. What is the reason? It doesn't give me such error in my other testbenches.
Ok guys I found and solved the problem.
I was trying to implement a sequential circuit and it consists of a register for sure. The problem was I implemented this register by creating structural D flip flops and that created a combinational loop. This loop then caused the (vsim-3601) iteration limit reached error.
Here is how a register should be implemented: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/quartushelp/13.0/mergedProjects/hdl/vlog/vlog_pro_registers.htm