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Spacing problem in a C console based Tic Tac Toc game

I've a problem in printing the Tic tac Toe Board in the console, began to make it today, (in fact i'm at the beginning),i've created a function that display the board, the drawBoard() function, but when i use the playerMove() function, to actually print the X in a cell of the board, it print me it, but it space everything after it, so it basically space every column in that row, destroying the table. so for example if a put the x in the first cell, everything in that row move of 1 space.

here what i wrote for now :

#include <stdio.h>

void drawBoard();
void start();
void playerMove();
void computerMove();

char trisBoard[3][3];
short computerPoint;
short playerPoint;
short playerRow;
short playerColumn;

int main() {
return 0;

void drawBoard() 
   printf("   Tris Game\n");
   printf(" %c   | %c   | %c", trisBoard[0][0], trisBoard[0][1], trisBoard[0][2]);
   printf("\n----|----|----      \n");
   printf(" %c   | %c   | %c",  trisBoard[1][0], trisBoard[1][1], trisBoard[1][2]);
   printf("\n %c   | %c   | %c \n",  trisBoard[2][0], trisBoard[2][1], trisBoard[2][2]);

void start() 
    for(int x = 0; x < 9; x++) {

void playerMove() 
    printf("It's your turn, where do you wanna instert the X ? \n");

    printf("Insert the row (first number is 0) \n");
    scanf("%d", &playerRow);

    printf("Insert a column (first number is 0) \n");
    scanf("%d", &playerColumn);

    trisBoard[playerRow][playerColumn] = 'x';

thanks to everyone :)


  • Initialize the board with spaces rather than the null character.

    // char trisBoard[3][3];
    char trisBoard[3][3] = {{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '}};

    Or in start(), which helps if the game is re-started.

    memcpy(trisBoard, ' ', sizeof trisBoard);

    You also need to change up your drawBoard function to accommodate the initialization change in trisBoard. printf is line-buffered, so in general, recommend putting new lines at the end of the string rather than the beginning. IMO, things will be more even if you use 3 characters per square, a space before, the x or o, and a space after:

    void drawBoard() 
       printf("   Tris Game\n");
       // the vertical bars don't line up now, but they will when the board
       // prints because %c will be replaced by one char.
       printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", trisBoard[0][0], trisBoard[0][1], trisBoard[0][2]);
       printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",  trisBoard[1][0], trisBoard[1][1], trisBoard[1][2]);
       printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",  trisBoard[2][0], trisBoard[2][1], trisBoard[2][2]);
