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Align side-by-side tables in LaTeX with float

I am still kinda new to LaTeX so perhaps I am overlooking something. But I wonder why I cannot use the [t] after \begin{table} to align it to the top of the minipage. I included the \usepackage{float} in my predocument.

I hope someone can help me. Thx in advance.

                \caption{Messwerte für Kalibrierung}
                \label{Tabelle 1}
                    \begin{tabular}{ |C{2cm} |C{2.3cm} |C{2.3cm}|}
                         Kalibrationsreihe & Transmission & Konzentration [in $\frac{mg}{L}$]
                        K1  & 0,059 & 1 \\
                        K2  & 0,323 & 5 \\
                        K3  & 0,648 & 10 \\
                        K4  & 0,96  & 15 \\ 
                        K5  & 1,211 & 20 \\ 
                \caption{Probe und Referenz}
                \label{Tabelle 2}
                        Probe & Transmission 
                        P1  & 1,032 \\
                        P2  & 1,037 \\\hline
                        R & 0,955 \\


  • The [t] after table has nothing to do with the alignment. It is a floating specifier which specifies the position a floating object can be placed on a page, e.g. the top of the page in case of [t].

    If you want your table at a specific location, e.g. besides each other, don't put them in a floating environment like a table. Instead you can use the \captionof macro from the caption package.

    To change the alignment, you can use the optional argument of the minipage to e.g. choose [t]op alignment.

    Some other points:

    • Your minipages have a combined width of 1\textwidth. If you want them side by side, you must remove the indention before them and protect your line endings with %, otherwise they will add an additional space

    • the center environment adds additional vertical spacing. Use \centering instead

    • by default the , in your numbers will result to incorrect spacing around it. If you want to use , as decimal separator, either use the icomma package or have a look at siunitx to properly format your numbers

                    \captionof{table}{Messwerte für Kalibrierung}
                    \label{Tabelle 1}
                        \begin{tabular}{ |C{2cm} |C{2.3cm} |C{2.3cm}|}
                             Kalibrations\-reihe & Transmission & Konzentration [in $\frac{mg}{L}$]
                            K1  & 0,059 & 1 \\
                            K2  & 0,323 & 5 \\
                            K3  & 0,648 & 10 \\
                            K4  & 0,96  & 15 \\ 
                            K5  & 1,211 & 20 \\ 
                    \captionof{table}{Probe und Referenz}
                    \label{Tabelle 2}
                            Probe & Transmission 
                            P1  & 1,032 \\
                            P2  & 1,037 \\\hline
                            R & 0,955 \\

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