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lambda iso std::bind for member function

I have the following class on which I run clang-tidy.

template<typename Foo>
class Bar

    template<class THandlerObj>
    Bar(void (THandlerObj::*pCmdHandler)(const Foo&), 
              THandlerObj* pCmdHandlerContext)          
        : m_cmdHandlerFunc(std::bind(pCmdHandler, pCmdHandlerContext, std::placeholders::_1))

    std::function<void(const Foo&)> m_cmdHandlerFunc;

Clang is telling me that I should use a lambda function instead of std::bind. However I cannot get the syntax straight. I'm struggling with the fact that a member function is given which should be called on the context, but I don't see how to do that.


  • You can use lambda's capture list to capture member function pointer and object pointer and invoke them inside the lambda. Try this:

    #include <functional>
    template<typename Foo>
    class Bar
        template<class THandlerObj>
        Bar(void (THandlerObj::*pCmdHandler)(const Foo&), 
                  THandlerObj* pCmdHandlerContext)          
            : m_cmdHandlerFunc(
                [=](const Foo& foo) { (pCmdHandlerContext->*pCmdHandler)(foo); })
        std::function<void(const Foo&)> m_cmdHandlerFunc;

    If your compiler supports C++20, you can also use std::bind_front which is more lightweight and intuitive than std::bind.

    template<class THandlerObj>
        Bar(void (THandlerObj::*pCmdHandler)(const Foo&), 
                  THandlerObj* pCmdHandlerContext)          
            : m_cmdHandlerFunc(std::bind_front(pCmdHandler, pCmdHandlerContext))