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Custom shell glob problem

I have to write a shell program in c that doesn't use the system() function. One of the features is that we have to be able to use wild cards. I can't seem to find a good example of how to use glob or this fnmatch functions that I have been running into so I have been messing around and so far I have a some what working blog feature (depending on how I have arranged my code).

If I have a glob variable declared as a global then the function partially works. However any command afterwards produces in error. example:

ls *.c
produce correct results
ls -l //no glob required
null passed through

so I tried making it a local variable. This is my code right now:

int runCommand(commandStruct * command1) {
    execvp(command1->cmd_path, command1->argv);
    glob_t globbuf;
    printf("globChar: %s\n", globChar);
    glob(globChar, GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf);
    //printf("globbuf.gl_pathv[0]: %s\n", &globbuf.gl_pathv[0]);
    execvp(command1->cmd_path, &globbuf.gl_pathv[0]);
    globbing = 0;
return 1;


When doing this with the globbuf as a local, it produces a null for globbuf.gl_path[0]. Can't seem to figure out why. Anyone with a knowledge of how glob works know what might be the cause? Can post more code if necessary but this is where the problem lies.


  • this works for me:

    glob_t glob_buffer;
    const char * pattern = "/tmp/*";
    int i;
    int match_count;
    glob( pattern , 0 , NULL , &glob_buffer ); 
    match_count = glob_buffer.gl_pathc;
    printf("Number of mathces: %d \n", match_count);
    for (i=0; i < match_count; i++) 
        printf("match[%d] = %s \n",i,glob_buffer.gl_pathv[i]);
    globfree( &glob_buffer );

    Observe that the execvp function expects the argument list to end with a NULL pointer, i.e. I think it will be the easiest to create your own char ** argv copy with all the elements from the glob_buffer.gl_pathv[] and a NULL pointer at the end.