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Windows Batch SET with Variable Substring Length?

Take this simple example:

SET /P phrase="Enter Word : "
SET /a rnum=%random% %%10 +1
ECHO %phrase%
ECHO %rnum%

SET rchar=%phrase:~0,%rnum%%

ECHO %rchar%

I just want to be able to pass that rnum variable to pick that as the character chosen from the left of that user entered word to that random character.

I can't seem to figure out how to pass that as a variable.

I tried with enabledelayedexpansion with no luck:

SET /P Phrase="Enter Word : "
SET /a rnum=%random% %%10 +1
ECHO %phrase%
ECHO %rnum%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
SET rchar=!phrase:~0,%rnum%!
ECHO %rchar%

So how do I pass rnum as a variable in this instance? Thanks for any assistance.


  • Here's a simple modification of your example delayed expansion code, which shows one method of maintaining your variable value beyond endlocal:

    SET /P "phrase=Enter Word : "
    SET /A rnum = %RANDOM% %% 10 + 1
    ECHO %phrase%
    ECHO %rnum%
    FOR %%G IN ("!phrase:~0,%rnum%!") DO ENDLOCAL & SET "rchar=%%~G"
    ECHO rchar=%rchar%

    The above example should be fine, as long as the end user does not begin to input strings with problematic characters. If you wanted to make it a little more robust for such scenarios then perhaps this will help:

    @Echo Off
    SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
    Rem Get interactive string input
    Set "String="
    Set /P String="Enter Word : "
    If Not Defined String GoTo AskString
    Set String
    Rem Generate a random integer 1..10
    Set /A "Integer = (%RANDOM% %% 10) + 1"
    Set Integer
    Rem Create a substring variable using %String% and %Integer%
    Echo %%SubString%% = %%String:~0,%Integer%%%
    SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    For /F Delims^=^ EOL^=^ UseBackQ %%G In ('"!String:~0,%Integer%!"') Do (
        Set "SubString=%%~G"
    Set SubString

    Please note that the above code uses Set Variable to display the variable name along side its value. If your variable contains certain poison characters just using Echo %Variable% may not work, and you would probably be better off keeping delayed expansion enabled at that time.