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Google test save one argument into another argument

Is possible to save one argument from a mock function call into another ? for instance argument 1 into argument 4 ?

EXPECT_CALL(mock_, up_func(_, _, _, _)).
.WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<1>(Argument4), Return(LSUCCESS)));


  • You can do that either with Invoke

    EXPECT_CALL(mock_, up_func(_, _, _, _))
        WithArgs<0, 3>(
            Invoke([](auto in, auto& out){out = in; return LSUCCESS;})

    Or using a helper variable

    int helper;
    EXPECT_CALL(mock_, up_func(_, _, _, _))

    Note: ByRef is important, otherwise you will get copy of the value of helper from the moment when expectation was set, not the value set later by SaveArg.

    A third option would be to define a custom action if this is something you will be using a lot. Custom action could be used with WithArgs to select arguments (simpler version) or templated to avoid WithArgs everytime (harder).

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