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Adding names for players Unity and Photon

I'm using unity with photon and I'm having a problem making different names for every player that joins the room. What I want to make is when a player joins the lobby i want him to take a name like = "Player " + the number of players that were in when he joined

. If you want any more information please reply to this post and ill inform you with your question. Thanks I want the first player that joined the room his name to be "Player 1" the second "Player 2" and so on. I'm using photon.


  • You can use PhotonNetwork.NickName which is synchronized across all clients in the room. Than using PhotonView components attached to your players you use get the Nickname as:

    var photonView = GetComponent<PhotonView>();

    Or based on your input you can use:


    which is the id of the player in current room.