The project aims to build a program counter.
The description are as follows:
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/03/a/PC.hdl
* A 16-bit counter with load and reset control bits.
* if (reset[t] == 1) out[t+1] = 0
* else if (load[t] == 1) out[t+1] = in[t]
* else if (inc[t] == 1) out[t+1] = out[t] + 1 (integer addition)
* else out[t+1] = out[t]
I figured out all the possibilities as follows All possible output Then here I go:
IN in[16],load,inc,reset;
OUT out[16];
// Put your code here:
Register(in=in, load=true, out=thein);
Register(in=in, load=false, out=theout);
Inc16(in=theout, out=forinc);
Register(in=forinc, load=true, out=theinc);
Mux8Way16(a=theout, b=false, c=theinc, d=false, e=thein, f=false, g=thein, h=false, sel[2]=load, sel[1]=inc, sel[0]=reset, out=out);
I tried many times but all failed when the clock load to time 1+ or something like this.
Since the register defined here is out(t+1) = out(t)
what is the output of time ?+.I found it really annoying.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Some observations:
You're storing the output in a register, which is good. However, note that the register output is also one of your inputs -- it is out[t].
You don't need a big Mux8Way16. There are 4 possible different outputs, so you can either use multiple Mux16s in a cascade or (extra credit) a single Mux4Way16 with some extra logic to compute the two selection bits.
I usually found that the simplest way to do things was first compute all the possible outputs (in this case, 0, input, register+1 or register) and then have the logic to decide which one of those actually gets output.
Good luck. You are very close.