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Gtest in VSCode, C/C++ intellisense shows errors

I have an issue, which I guess is caused by the Microsoft C/C++ plugin. Intellisense is showing errors at Google Test functions, but there are no actual errors (tests compile and run without any problem).

When I hover over the functions with these red error squiggles, it expands to the functionality, F12 (go to definition) works as well.

How do I get rid of these intellisense "errors"?

I have tried searching for the error messages, for "intellisense Gtest VSCode" and similar, but no luck in finding any useful solution. My guess is that I missed something, but what?

Have also tried playing around with c_cpp_properties.json (tried to include the exact path to gtest, to force include the actual gtest.h file, etc) but no luck there either.


It is pretty simple, basically:

"includePath": [


typedef struct {
    unsigned short a;
} myStruct;


myStruct s[5];

unsigned short someFunction(void)
    // Do stuff
    return s[somePosition].a;


#include "gtest/gtest.h"

extern "C" {
    #include "somefile.h"
    extern myStruct s[];

TEST(someTest, firstTest)
    EXPECT_EQ(s[somePosition].a, someFunction());

INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(someFunction, secondTest,
        some_test{ "hello", 0 },
        some_test{ "bye", 1 }

VSCode C/C++ intellisense output

firstTest, error at EXPECT_EQ:

expression must have bool type (or be convertible to bool)C/C++(711)

secondTest, error at INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P:

namespace "std" has no member "string"C/C++(135)


  • Solved it by editing c_cpp_properties.json:

    "includePath": [