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boost bimap with associated value

Is there a way to construct a boost::bimap (or multi-index container) that has two keys, plus a value they both point to? In addition, you can query one key to get the other?

I can construct a boost multi-index container that has two keys for some element, but cannot figure out how to get the value of a key given the value of the other key?

I am trying to do something like:

struct s {};   
int main()    
typedef std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<s>> left_map_type;  
typedef std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<s>> right_map_type;  
typedef boost::bimap<left_map_type, right_map_type> bi_map_type;  
typedef bi_map_type::value_type value_type;  
bi_map_type bim;  
std::shared_ptr<s> sp = std::make_shared<s>();  
std::shared_ptr<s> sp2 = std::make_shared<s>();  
left_map_type lm { {1, sp}, {2, sp2} };  
right_map_type rm { {"foo", sp}, {"bar", sp2} };  
bim.insert(lm, rm);  
  For instance, given the key "foo", search bim to obtain BOTH the shared pointer sp as well as the alternate key '1'.  


  • I would use a multi-index container over records like:

    struct Data { }; // your "s"
    struct Record {
        int         id;
        std::string name;
        Data        data; // std::shared_ptr<Data>?

    Now you could make a container that adds unique indexes by id and name:

    using Table = boost::multi_index_container<Record,
            bmi::ordered_unique< bmi::tag<struct by_id>, bmi::member<Record, int, &Record::id>>,
            bmi::ordered_unique< bmi::tag<struct by_name>, bmi::member<Record, std::string, &Record::name>>
          > >;

    Formatting more verbosely:

    using Table = boost::multi_index_container<
                bmi::tag<struct by_id>,
                bmi::member<Record, int, &Record::id>>,
                bmi::tag<struct by_name>,
                bmi::member<Record, std::string, &Record::name>>>>;

    See below for a less verbose way;

    Now you can make your table and access it using any of the indices:

    Table table;
    auto& left  = table.get<by_id>();   // or get<0>
    auto& right = table.get<by_name>(); // or get<1>

    Whatever interface you use, any changes will reflect in all other indexes, and uniqueness constraints are guaranteed. E.g.

    table.emplace(1, "one", Data{"Sleepy", {1, 2, 3}});
    table.emplace(2, "two", Data{"Grumpy", {2, 4, 6}});
    table.emplace(3, "three", Data{"Sneezy", {3, 6, 9}});

    Just printing them (using libfmt for demo):

    // Simple enumeration:
    fmt::print("Just the table:\n - {}\n", fmt::join(table, "\n - "));
    fmt::print("By id:\n - {}\n", fmt::join(left, "\n - "));
    fmt::print("By name:\n - {}\n", fmt::join(right, "\n - "));


    Just the table:
     - Record{1, one, Data{Sleepy, {1, 2, 3}}}
     - Record{2, two, Data{Grumpy, {2, 4, 6}}}
     - Record{3, three, Data{Sneezy, {3, 6, 9}}}
    By id:
     - Record{1, one, Data{Sleepy, {1, 2, 3}}}
     - Record{2, two, Data{Grumpy, {2, 4, 6}}}
     - Record{3, three, Data{Sneezy, {3, 6, 9}}}
    By name:
     - Record{1, one, Data{Sleepy, {1, 2, 3}}}
     - Record{3, three, Data{Sneezy, {3, 6, 9}}}
     - Record{2, two, Data{Grumpy, {2, 4, 6}}}

    This exemplifies that the default index is the first index declared (the "left view" here, or as I'd prefer to call it: by_id).

    Searching is just like you'd expect from a standard container:

    auto id2     = left.find(2);
    auto nameTwo = right.find("two");
    if (id2 != left.end())
        fmt::print("id2: {}\n", *id2);
    if (nameTwo != right.end())
        fmt::print("nameTwo: {}\n", *nameTwo);

    For non-unique indexes, equal_range is useful. There's lower_bound and upper_bound etc.

    Live Demo

    Live On Compiler Explorer

    #include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
    #include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
    #include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
    #include <memory>
    struct Data {
        std::string extra;
        std::vector<int> ints;
    struct Record {
        int         id;
        std::string name;
        Data        data; // std::shared_ptr<Data>?
    namespace bmi = boost::multi_index;
    #define Index(name)                  \
        bmi::ordered_unique<             \
            bmi::tag<struct by_##name>,  \
            bmi::member<Record, decltype(Record::name), &Record::name>>
    using Table = boost::multi_index_container<Record,
          > >;
    #include <fmt/ranges.h>
    template <>
    struct fmt::formatter<Data, char> : fmt::formatter<std::string, char> {
        auto format(Data const& data, auto& ctx) {
            return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Data{{{}, {}}}", data.extra,
    template <>
    struct fmt::formatter<Record, char> : fmt::formatter<std::string, char> {
        auto format(Record const& rec, auto& ctx) {
            return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Record{{{}, {}, {}}}",,
    int main()
        Table table;
        auto& left  = table.get<by_id>();   // or get<0>
        auto& right = table.get<by_name>(); // or get<1>
        table.emplace(1, "one", Data{"Sleepy", {1, 2, 3}});
        table.emplace(2, "two", Data{"Grumpy", {2, 4, 6}});
        table.emplace(3, "three", Data{"Sneezy", {3, 6, 9}});
        // Simple enumeration:
        fmt::print("Just the table:\n - {}\n", fmt::join(table, "\n - "));
        fmt::print("By id:\n - {}\n", fmt::join(left, "\n - "));
        fmt::print("By name:\n - {}\n", fmt::join(right, "\n - "));
        // find:
        auto id2     = left.find(2);
        auto nameTwo = right.find("two");
        if (id2 != left.end())
            fmt::print("id2: {}\n", *id2);
        if (nameTwo != right.end())
            fmt::print("nameTwo: {}\n", *nameTwo);

    Printing the outbove shown above.

    Advanced Topics/Usages

    A few things to keep in mind:

    • if you really needed to share ownership of the data, you can, of course use shared_ptr<Data> instead
    • you can also construct multi-index containers over references/pointers, so I'd advice against shared_ptr unless you know it's actually required
    • more flexible key extraction mechanisms exist (e.g. you could have a non-unique ordered index on Record::data::ints::length())
    • you can have composite keys, which support partial querying on ordered indexes. This enable "database like" queries, see e.g. Boost multi-index container vs a multi-level mapping container based on std::unordered_map (map of maps) or Using boost multi index like relational DB
    • like with the standard containers, the key elements are const. In multi-index containers this implies that all accessors return const references. Refer to the document for modify, replace functions.
    • there's a project function to convert iterators between indexes, should you ever require this

    Bonus: Less Verbose?

    Or, with a clever macro to reduce repetition¹

    #define Index(name)                  \
        bmi::ordered_unique<             \
            bmi::tag<struct by_##name>,  \
            bmi::member<Record, decltype(Record::name), &Record::name>>
    using Table = boost::multi_index_container<Record,
          > >;

    ¹ I was momentarily too lazy to make that template meta functions instead of the macro