I have been making a script in Unity that measures how far a player has moved in the real world using XRNodes like this for example with the right hand:
at the start of the movement and then comparing it to the end position
Now I would like to get the distance moved, even if the player moved around in a circle.
Is the a method to do this with XRNodes? Measuring total distance moved during play?
Yes, well, you could just simply sum it up every frame like
// Stores the overall moved distance
private float totalMovedDistance;
// flag to start and stop tracking
// Could also use a Coroutine if that fits you better
private bool track;
// Store position of last frame
private Vector3 lastPos;
public void BeginTrack()
// reset total value
totalMovedDistance = 0;
// store first position
lastPos = InputTracking.GetLocalPosition(XRNode.RightHand);
// start tracking
track = true;
public void EndTrack()
// stop tracking
track = false;
// whatever you want to do with the total distance now
Debug.Log($"Total moved distance in local space: {totalMovedDistance}", this);
private void Update()
// If not tracking do nothing
if(!track) return;
// get current controller position
var currentPos = InputTracking.GetLocalPosition(XRNode.RightHand);
// Get distance moved since last frame
var thisFrameDistance = Vector3.Distance(currentPos, lastPos);
// sum it up to the total value
totalMovedDistance += thisFrameDistance;
// update the last position
lastPos = currentPos;