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Adding Preconditions description in Document Generator

Xray's Document Generator has a Store with the most common templates. I added "Test Plan Advanced with Cover Page" report and found out that doesn't include Preconditions for every Test.

I tried to add it in document template:

#{for d=TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditionsCount}

but found nothing after report generation. How to add PreConditions info in Test Run?


  • Assuming that you're using Xray Cloud, where I could replicate your issue, the template is missing the Preconditions section indeed. I asked the team to update the template in the "store", ASAP. Meanwhile, you can download the template and modify it. Please add a section somehow like this (I've also added a screenshot to show how it looks in the template)

    2.1.7.  Pre-Condition
    #{if (%{'${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditionsCount}'>'0'})}
    #{for c=TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditions}
    Condition   @{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditions[c].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditions[c].Key}}
    #{if (%{!('${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditionsCount}' > 0)})}

    screenshot of the precondition section