I'm using "POST /api/v2/import/execution/cucumber" to import result to Xray. Everything works fine so far, but I want to add additional information to the Test-Run. Somehow I managed to get Attachments added to the result.json, but I will also have added a test-comment in the result.json. Does anybody know how this information has to be added in the result.json?
I also would be happy to find a cucucmber.Schema which describe fields which I can use with xray.
I have created a feature File in Xray.Exported that file an used it in my behave testautomation environment. ( I generated JSON output with the cucucmber-Formatter). Than I tried to import the result.json with /api/v2/import/execution/cucumber using Postman. That works so far, but I did not manage to add "comments" to the Test-Run.
Currently it's not possible. You can however use the /api/v2/import/execution/cucumber/multipart endpoint which allows you to customize the Test Execution and eventually add some information at the Test Execution level, like on the Description field.