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Jira/xRay - Embedded element in JSON-Report has the wrong name in Jira

We are running Cucumber Tests and upload the results into Jira using the xRay Plugin. The uploaded report is a cucumber json report. Sometimes we attach files to the cucumber scenario and therefor to the report using:

scenario.attach(logText, "text/plain", "log.txt");

In the Report it looks like that:

"embeddings": [{ "data": "loremipsum...", "mime_type": "text/plain", "name": "log.txt" } ],

But in Jira/ xRay the name is missing, the content and mime-type is correct: testrun in xRay

I would expect the same name in Jira/xRay (Screenshot) as in the "name" of the report.


  • Xray doesn't process that information (i.e. the name attribute). The Cucumber JSON format is not consistent across different client APIs and there is no official JSON schema for it. You can reach out to Xray support team and ask for this new improvement. At least cucumber-jvm (the Java client) seems to generate the embeddings element with a name attribute, so in theory Xray could process it in the future.