I am trying to integrate XRAY with webdriver IO , mocha using the guide below
The below -
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{ "client_id": "CLIENTID","client_secret": "CLIENTSECRET" }' https://xray.cloud.xpand-it.com/api/v1/authenticate
needs client Id and client secret which is not available for our JIRA implementation.
so , I only have username and password , how do i use it to achieve above ?
If you have a Jira username and password is what you have available, then you're most probably using Xray on Jira server/datacenter and not Xray on Jira Cloud. Therefore, the tutorial you should look at it is this one: https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAY/Testing+using+WebDriverIO+and+Cucumber+in+JavaScript
In terms of request, it is simpler as you don't need to perform that initial authentication request.